We are all unique individuals.
We all handle the situations and experiences in our life differently.
What may be stressful to one person may not be stressful to another.
Do you recognise the kind of things in your life that affect you?
Do you allow yourself the chance and the choice to remove yourself from situations that are not good for you?
Do you have the ability to create thoughts that are more positive and more effective in taking care of the whole of you?
These are all questions that need some consideration in our lives.
As I came to experience the effects of stress on my body at a very extreme level, I also came to understand the types of events and situations that were not good for me.
I spent many years in a relationship that actually in hindsight was very emotionally abusive for me, and I allowed it to happen. I let it sink my self-esteem. I allowed someone else to control me, and I reacted to their demands and tried to please them. All in all a very unhealthy situation.
The stress on my being was not good. It kept me in a place of fight or flight. Wondering if what I was going to say or do was going to be ok or not.
Since that time I have spent many hours working on building up my own sense of self-worth, and as these “muscles” have been built, the stress I feel from others negative comments has definitely minimized dramatically. While this is something I still have to work on, it does not cause me anywhere near the same amount of stress as it once did. There are however, very few situations in my life now where people speak to me in a negative way. I refuse to let myself be in any situation like that anymore.
I would challenge you to ask yourself these 5 questions about situations that you are in to decide whether they are healthy for you?
- Are you in a relationship that is nurturing to your soul?
- Do you surround yourself with friends that support your dreams and desires?
- Are you doing work that you love and are you working with colleagues that support you?
- Do you take some time every day for yourself, to bring yourself back to balance?
- Do you use processes to help move your thinking from any negative place to a more positive place?
You may be thinking, oh but this is just utopia to think that those situations and way of living can be a reality. Well, I am here to tell you it can be a reality.
We always have the choice to create the situations, events, people and experiences in our lives that are uplifting and supportive for us.
We always have the choice to change any situation that may not be working for us.
Sometimes, it takes really feeling the negative effects of stress on our being, for us to really step up and make the necessary changes that we need to make in our lives.
Take some time this week to really consider what is working in your life and what isn’t and begin to create a plan to release those things that aren’t.
Staying in situations that are not healthy for you, is definitely not worth the subsequent stress that it places on your body and being. It really, truly, isn’t!!!! Are you really getting that????
You know what is working for you and what isn’t in your life.
Do yourself a favour and step up and be the best you, you can be!!
There is no reason to wait until a better time to improve your life.
The time is now.
This is your life.
You have the choice to live it as you desire.
I wish you well and I know you can do it!!
Love Lisa