I was very struck by a recent post I posted on facebook.
I asked the question, “what inspires you?”
It received a total of 2 likes, a number not in tune with what many of the other posts have received in likes.
It really astounded me that this was not something that the facebook community was in tune with.
One thing that I have learned about adrenal fatigue, is that most often if we are feeling burnt out, there is often a severe lack of things in our lives that we enjoy doing.
I know this was also the case for me.
In the few years leading up to the complete burnout crash (adrenal fatigue) I experienced, there was very little in my life that inspired me, and that I enjoyed doing. It was all give, give, give. The biggest sap for me was giving around 25 hours a week (and in many weeks even more) over a period of 5 years to a business that was offering me little to no financial return. I then had to begin paid work as a massage therapist in order to support myself. I had created a life in which there was no room for me.
It felt insane and it was insane.
I tried time and time again to “manage” the situation, but I learned that it is obviously impossible to manage an unmanageable situation.
I have talked a little about this before in my blog post, Standing in Your Power, that one of the most common traits in people who are experiencing burnout (also termed adrenal fatigue or adrenal exhaustion at its worst stage) is not standing in your power, not stepping up and claiming your own life, your own loves, your own interests. Instead, it is a life where giving to others, giving to situations that don’t support you or fill you up, are a common occurrence and neglecting your own needs is commonplace.
When I reached complete burnout, almost to the point of being bedridden, I knew it was an absolute must in my healing, to give to myself completely, and to engage in activities that I found inspiring.
And so, while struggling through just a little work to support myself financially I made it a priority to engage in pursuits that I loved. Some of these were
* listening to inspirational podcasts and radio
* Writing (expressing how I was feeling in a journal)
* Going to the beach (for walks if I had enough energy or for meditation)
* Being part of an inspirational community, with regular events & gatherings
* Spending time with uplifting, like-minded friends
* Designing and colouring mandalas
* Practising kundalini yoga
* Reading inspirational books.
My upcoming desires, as my energy has increased more and more over the years is
* to return to playing golf, which I love!!!
* to exercise regularly in a way that feels good
* to continue to build a supportive, inspirational community here at healing from burnout and on the facebook page
And so, as I did in the facebook post, I encourage you to spend some time thinking about what inspires you?
This is so, so, incredibly important in healing from burnout, or hopefully avoiding burnout.
Start with a list of 10 things that inspire you, keep a book with this in, and keep adding to it.
Your life is to be enjoyed, not endured.
But it starts with you.
I would love to hear what inspirational changes you are making to your life.
All my love