Over the weekend, i decided to take 2 days silence. No tv, computer, phones, nothing. Just me, my yoga mat, my journal, some mandalas to colour and an inspirational book by Gary Zukav, Soul to Soul: Communications from the Heart
While taking quiet time has in recent years been a regular and essential part of my life in healing my own burnout, creating such a silent space for 2 full days has not been something I have done quite in that way before.
I was to discover that the gifts of silence were and are quite remarkable.
I had been asking questions for many months about the direction of my life, and my specific purpose for being here, and I suddenly got this overwhelming urge to get really quiet so I could hear these messages.
On the first evening that I began, I sat in meditation, and I also wrote out the many questions that I had, and I just let them be. That night I slept for 12 hours! I do need a lot of sleep but even for me that was quite substantial. I felt like I was being prepared for the coming days. Over the following 2 days, I practised yoga, I continued to meditate, I practised various yogic breathing techniques, I coloured mandalas and I journalled. I wrote about what was deep in my heart.
As the time passed, the messages and answers began to emerge, they popped up at expected and unexpected times. As I coloured a mandala I felt deep answers coming forth, as I cooked it was like messages emerged from the food 🙂 As I lay in relaxation after practising yoga, images came forth, and literally just as I walked from one room to another, I felt filled with clarity, with peace and with a deeper sense of my direction and I understood the guidance that was coming forth about my life.
Some of the specific details are still coming to me, but I feel a profound sense of connection with the big picture. I have come into a brand new understanding as to why I am where I am, right at this point in time. Looking back over the past few years I can see why things occurred as they did. And one of the biggest changes I felt within me at the end of 2 days, was such a profound sense of peace and stillness within me.
I felt (and knew) that my nervous system had calmed right down. The urge to jump from one thing to the next had softened. I felt able to move from one thing to another with a feeling of stillness, contentment and ease. And I felt so in tune with my inner self. It began to feel like the veil between this world and the next, the physical and the non-physical, had moved closer.
To find words for a deep, expansive feeling is sometimes hard to find, but more importantly I was filled with the deep knowing that we ALWAYS have all the answers inside of us. We ALWAYS know what is right for us. Not sometimes, ALWAYS.
The real question is are you willing to turn down the noise in your life, so you can hear these profound messages? As you do so, you will know what you need to do to heal from burnout (no matter how severe), you will be presented with the steps you need to take to come back to your true, authentic self. You will be filled with the courage and confidence to remove yourself from any situations in your life that aren’t working for you.
As you get into this quiet space, the disparity between what feels right and what doesn’t will become even greater. And there will come a moment when you just know, that you cannot live a certain way any more.
New possibilities will open up.
A knowing will emerge of when the time is right to make those big changes, and when to make the small ones.
What if you could feel the Universe echoing in confirmation what you feel is right.
What if you could come back to you.
What if you could come back to your knowing that we are all connected on this planet and that we are all one.
What if you could come to a place of deeper love for yourself, more compassion for yourself, and the ability to show this to others.
This is just a glimpse of the gifts that are waiting you in this silence.
The gifts of what is inside of us is truly remarkable.
The choice is always ours.
We can choose the path of the external world, and believe that we have to follow what it says,
Love to all