There is a current epidemic of burnout and fatigue related issues going on in the lives of so many.
I know how debilitating it is being stuck in chronic physical and emotional exhaustion with thoughts of:⠀
❓I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to have the energy to easily get through the day again.
❓it’s too overwhelming to even know where to begin to get my energy and life back.⠀
❓I don’t know how to speak up for what I need, it’s just easier to focus on others.
❓I feel so alone, those around me don’t understand what I’m going through. ⠀
I totally get it. I was a chronic over giver, and people pleaser for most of my life and it all reached a crisis point in 2010.
Not only did I find myself completely burnt out and dealing with severe adrenal fatigue, I also came to the end of a very dysfunctional relationship and business, which ended in liquidation and bankruptcy.
I had allowed myself to live a life of giving my voice and power away, and allowing myself to be controlled by others.
But thankfully, after a 4 year recovery journey, using the tools in the Break Free From Burnout program, I was able to reclaim my life!⠀
The tools in this program allowed me to:
✅ get clear on what was exhausting and draining me. ⠀
✅ come into a deeper connection with myself, to trust my own intuition and decisions about what I needed for my life.
✅ learn how to deeply relax (finally!), to honor my needs and listen to the voice that said, ‘rest first and do later’.
✅ stop being so downright busy and doing everything for everyone else, and begin to focus on what I needed.
✅ get support so I didn’t have to do it all alone!
⭐️ I believe if I’d had these tools sooner, it wouldn’t have taken me so long to recover. ⠀
To live a life of not only energy and vitality, but one where you are also able to reignite your passion and purpose and to have the energy to follow it through, is one of the biggest gifts we can all give ourselves and the planet.
Please don’t wait any longer. Your best life is waiting for you.
You can access the FREE 3 part video program here.
Much love and ease,
Lisa xo