How do you handle the potential for Christmas stress?
Do you try and squeeze in everything into those few short weeks before the year ends?
There’s people to see, presents to buy, Christmas parties to attend, oh and don’t forget those goals you want to set for next year and then of course the usual every day stuff that is usually enough anyway.
Overwhelming!!! But STOP, wait a minute, CHALLENGE what you are pushing yourself to do. Do you really have to?
Who said you need to attend every Christmas Party?
Who said you need to catch up with every friend before Christmas?
Who said you need to spend hours and hours trudging around the shops getting tired and cranky?
Who said you need to wind up every project you started this year?
Who said your needs don’t count?
As we head into these final few weeks of the year (hard to believe!) I encourage you to let go of some of the unnecessary busyness.
Ask yourself where you can carve out some chunks of time for yourself.
Listen to what you need…………………………………………..
Trust that little voice inside of you that says slow down or yes I would love to spend a few hours with these people or at this event.
Listen, please listen.
Every couple of months I give myself a complete technology break and this weekend is it. The perfect time, right during this mad lead up to Christmas. From a Friday evening to a Monday morning – no technology!
How would that feel for you?
Do you entertain that as a possibility for yourself?
How would a weekend of slowing down sound to you? Spending time in nature, reading that book that you’ve been wanting to get to, doing some yoga, meditating, writing.
A time of stilling that busy mind of yours. What if your partner joined you in this, what if your whole family took a break? Can you imagine how that would change things not just for you, but for all of you?
This is something that I now do every couple of months or so (although I would like it to be even more regularly).
Let go of the addiction of letting technology drive you.
Take a break. It will all still be there when you come back, I promise you.
But when you come back, I bet it won’t feel half as important and your level of frenzy will have substantially diminished 🙂
Sending love and ease to you.
Knowing that you know the exact right choices that you need to make at this time.