Are you constantly trying to get through that to-do list?
Do you feel guilty for taking time out doing something you enjoy (even on a Sunday) thinking you SHOULD be getting something done?
OR do you allow yourself days or chunks of time to potter freely doing exactly what pleases you?
One day a few weeks back, I woke up with mixed intentions as to to whether I would spend time accomplishing some “work related” tasks or simply allow myself to do as I please.
I got to the end of the day and said to myself, “I haven’t really achieved much today”, except I then decided to deeply challenge those thoughts.
I went back through my day, and realised that I had spent a day in perfect alignment with what was most important to me, what was my Highest Values.
- I slept longer than usual
- I meditated
- I exercised
- I listened to inspirational podcasts that I enjoy
- I browsed in a bookshop
- I bought and cooked healthy food
- I did yoga that supported my adrenals.
And there was more.
The thing is one of the most important things to me is health and wellness, and when I looked back over my day, I just said “Wow, Lisa, that is amazing. What an incredible day, spending time on things that truly serve your health and wellness, on a profound level.”
Do you ever feel like this?
Do you feel like you have not accomplished much (according to someone else’s expectations) if you engage in nurturing activities that really are actually serving you on a profound and deep level?
Our culture has set up a lot of unhealthy demands that tell us we always have to do and achieve.
I am still recovering from these misconceptions, and it is some of these very traits that led to my burnout.
Do you see some of these traits in yourself?
Do you allow yourself free time?
I would love to hear from you, let me know how you are balancing the doing and accomplishing, with the softer being and pottering.
What does your ideal day look like?
What really calls from that deeper part within you?
There is much research now that suggests that when we engage in activities that we truly love, we produce more of the feel good hormones and less of the stress hormones.
I certainly know what I would prefer.
How about you? Stay in touch and let me and the community know.
All my love