I have a different kind of post for you today, something I haven’t done before, but I really wanted to share my thoughts on Dr Michael Lam’s Adrenal Yoga™ program so you can get a sense of whether you feel it is the right fit for you. You can check out the video above and/or read below for a little more insight.
My First Thoughts
I purchased the program back in 2013 at a time when I was over the absolute worst of my adrenal fatigue symptoms, but I was still struggling with many symptoms and I still had very low energy.
When I first began with it, I was a little put off by the poor sound quality and poor visual quality but I very quickly came to realise that I felt so much better after each session and it was really helping me. I realised that Dr Lam really knew his stuff and that the structure of the yoga program had a very specific purpose. So I simply chose to let my judgements about the sound and visual quality go. I was getting too many benefits.
The Benefits I Gained
- Greatly increased levels of relaxation at the end of every session that I did and it was deeper than I’d felt in a long time.
- A greater knowledge of some of the yoga poses that would help to activate my parasympathetic nervous system (this is what helped me to feel deeply relaxed).
- A deeper understanding of why it is important not to overdo the sympathetic nervous system when you are extremely stressed.
- A gentle and gradual program that helped to build up my adrenal reserves in a way that advanced me slowly as I got stronger and stronger.
- The ability to actually do some kind of exercise again when doing anything at all seemed impossible.
What the Adrenal Yoga™ Program Includes:
21 Sessions produced in 4 volumes
It’s in a DVD Format but there is also the option of getting it as a streaming option or getting the DVD Set + Streaming.
I chose the DVD + Streaming so it was easy to get access whenever I needed to. I used the streaming option often.
Below is the actual timing of each session so you can get a sense of how it is progressed.
Volume 1 Disc 1
Introduction (9mins44), Session 1 (19mins43), Session 2 (27mins23), Session 3 (25mins53), Session 4 (35mins17)
Volume 1 Disc 2
Session 5 (31mins30), Session 6 (30mins44), Session 7 (38mins34), Session 8 (36mins53)
Volume 2 Disc 1
Session 9 (41mins38), Session 10 (47mins18), Session 11 (44mins55)
Volume 2 Disc 2
Session 12 (54mins05), Session 13 (56mins)
Volume 3
Session 14 (57mins08), Session 15 (48mins37), Session 16 (59mins48), Session 17 (1hr7mins36)
Volume 4
Session 18 (50mins08), Session 19 (1hr03mins33), Session 20 (1hr31), Session 21 (42mins49)
Many of the sessions build on the previous sessions. So yes there can be quite a lot of repetition as you build up, but in each session something new is introduced. I actually liked this idea because it allowed my body to get used to the program and make new changes very slowly, something that is so important in your recovery from adrenal fatigue.
Dr Michael Lam certainly understands very deeply the slow and gradual process that is needed in the way that you move and support your body and I don’t believe it’s any accident that he designed the program in this repetitive way.
He has a very soothing and gentle voice, and you soon adapt to his accent.
Still to this day I go back to various sessions as I need them. This is not a do it for a while program, this is something you can use for the rest of your life.
Final Thoughts
All in all, poor sound quality and visual quality, but the effects of doing the movements and sequences that Dr Lam guides you through, was well worth it in terms of the benefits gained and increased levels of relaxation and energy.
Your best guide is to try it out for yourself and see how you feel.
I would love to know how you find it. If you’ve already tried it out, please comment below or over on the facebook page.
Best wishes
P.S. You can get your copy here.