Life can keep us on a merry go round where we find ourselves constantly doing things that feel stressful.
Our little inner voice is calling to us, sometimes shouting at us, to do something different.
These stressful daily situations may be affecting you in ways like this.
✨ You’re in a job you hate. You feel like your boss is picking on you and setting unrealistic deadlines. You feel overwhelmed by the quantity of work you’re expected to do, but you’re not speaking up to your boss about how you feel and what you need because you don’t want to risk losing your job.
The Result: This is activating a stress response in your body over and over throughout the day.
✨ You feel wired at night. It’s the best you’ve felt all day and you stay up late, but then you have trouble getting to sleep. When you do finally fall asleep, you wake up often during the night and have trouble getting back to sleep.
The Result: Your stress response has created an imbalance in the way that cortisol is being produced from the adrenal glands. You are likely experiencing high night-time cortisol levels when they should be low.
✨ You are continuing to put other’s needs before your own, and you feel disempowered about your life. You feel there’s no use in saying what you need because no one wants to hear it anyway. You tell yourself, ‘If only my partner would stop speaking to me like this, then things wouldn’t be so bad.’
The Result: You find yourself blaming others for the situations you are in. You don’t feel heard, but at the same time you’re not speaking up about what you need. This victim state is knocking the life force out of you.
What if life didn’t have to be this way? What if you could start with small, daily steps that do create change in your life.
Now, you may be saying, “oh Lisa, we’ve heard it all before”, but I’m asking you, have you actually DONE many of the things that you know you need to? Have you really? And if not, why not? What is the payoff of staying stuck in those old ways?
I’m inviting you to get an accountability buddy on board, it could be a friend, your partner or a therapist and get going with doing things like this. And I mean DO IT, not just talk about it or think about it.
🌟 When you calmly begin your day, take at least 10-20 minutes at the start of the day to breathe quietly. Enjoy the work you do, letting it inspire you and when things move too fast, or you feel stressed, take small regular breaks to rebalance yourself. Your new awareness develops into something you are constantly responsive to.
The Result: Your relaxation response is activated as you make a calm start to the day and reactivated again many times during the day as you engage in further practise to keep yourself relaxed.
🌟 At least 30-60 minutes before you sleep, turn of all technology. Take the time to unwind from the day and engage in quiet activities.
The Result: Calming hormones such as oxytocin and dopamine are released into your body, helping to bring your whole hormonal system into balance and preparing you for a good night’s sleep.
🌟 Take time every day to meet an emotional need of your own. Talk to a friend, take some time in nature for yourself or journal your thoughts. It doesn’t need to be complicated. And this makes it a much healthier place for you to give to others. As you would in an air travel emergency, you place your own oxygen mask on first, before helping others.
The Result: Instead of living life from the place of a victim, you are stepping up and making empowered choices in your life. You have the capacity to deal with the things you need to. You have a renewed compassion and love for yourself and others because you are meeting your own needs more consistently every day.
Now, get to it. Make a choice for yourself that’s going to create a change that begins to serve you. Start with one thing. Don’t put it off. This is your life we’re talking about.
If it feels too overwhelming to do this on your own, and you are truly ready to create changes that support you and serve you – both big and small, then let’s chat.
Let’s map out a plan to do this once and for all. Like I said, this is your life we’re talking about. We’re not here for long. How do you want to live it? In a stressed out, resentful state or in a way that supports you from this day forward to live the life that you know is meant for you.
Much love,