Have you had the experience where doing something you enjoyed or being with people or in situations that you enjoyed, increased and supported your energy?
Have you had the experience where doing something you didn’t enjoy or being with people or in situations that you didn’t enjoy, decreased and drained your energy?
It is usually pretty clear to us what these things are, so why is it that so many of us can find it extremely challenging to create a whole lot more of what we enjoy in our lives?
Aah, well that is really something important for you to get to the bottom of and is something that is usually deeply nested in our emotional and mental patterns of the past. If you are struggling with energy, I recommend that you make a date with yourself at your earliest convenience to ponder this deeply!
THE FIRST STEP is to really acknowledge what drains or depletes your energy, and what increases or adds to your energy.
Take out a piece of paper and divide it up into two columns as shown below.
Make a list of 10 things or more in each column.
(There is a free pdf below with all of this laid out for you if you prefer).
Would it give you added motivation or inspiration to know that doing things that enhance your energy are proven to greatly improve your health. And this includes reducing the levels of stress hormones in your body!!
Things that greatly improve your health can be disguised as spending time with people you enjoy, taking that art class or dance class you’ve always wanted to, taking that 30 minutes in the bath every evening, or taking yourself away on a solo retreat.
There really is no right or wrong way with this, it simply comes down to what gives YOU pleasure and what helps YOU to feel good.
Are You Ready to Commit to You?
- make a commitment today to knock one of your drainers off your list, or at least reduce the amount of energy it takes from you while you work towards a plan to knock it off your list (My suggestion is that you start with something that feels easy and achievable and build on that).
- make a commitment today to add more time to one of the things that enhances your energy, or create a plan to make that happen.
My Energy Gainer Experience from 12 months ago
12 months ago, I decided I was going to make meditation a part of my morning practice. Every single day, no excuses! I wanted to start each day in a calm state (very important for keeping stress at bay for the rest of the day).
I had been meditating for a number of years previously but had struggled to maintain consistency and I was really ready to change this.
My plan was 15 minutes every morning, but I allowed myself some leeway, and anything between 5 minutes and 30 minutes was ok by me.
Setting some flexibility with what you decide to do can help you have a much greater chance of sticking to it over time.
The good news is that 12 months later I have maintained a meditation practice every single morning! The key was really knowing that I only ever had to complete 5 mins. Oh, and my extremely strong desire to make that happen!!
Now, it really is up to YOU.
What’s on your list? Are you clear on what is draining on your energy and what adds to your energy?
If you would like a free pdf to get you started with this, click below to get your copy.
It is set out for you to write down your drainers and gainers, and also a few bonus questions for you to answer to help you get clear on the process, and to begin to address some of the underlying emotional and mental patterns that may be going on for you.
So, click below and get started on an an even greater quality of life, TODAY!!
I would love to know how you go so be sure to let me know.
Best wishes,
Click Here for your FREE DOWNLOAD “Energy Drains & Energy Gains”